Coral and fish biodiversity
Record presence -
absence (corals) and semi-qualitative abundance (fish) for all species
Timed swims by experts
intercept transects for coral and benthos
Records of distance
since interception, percent cover
4 x 50m line, life form,
genera and target species level of identification
transects for invertebrates
Counts of target
4 x 50m line, 5m width,
target species identification
transects for fish (ID, size and abundance)
Fish counts,
commercially important species, size estimation
4 x 50m line; length -
biomass conversion
Percent cover and
semi-quantitative abundance for major species
Algae quadrats (25 x 25
Macrofauna time swims
Counts of sharks, rays,
napoleon wrasses, giant groupers, tunas off transects, size estimation
30' time swims
Reef health transects
Counts of Acanthaster
planci, (Crown- of- thorns starfish), Drupella sp., dead coral and
bleached and diseased coral
4 x 50m line, target
species level of identification
Reef Check
Global volunteer reef
health assessment scheme (www.reefcheck.org)
Low detail assessment,
ideal for community participation and training. Details see website.
Sites connectivity
Target species of
Genetic analysis of
different populations of a species from different areas and atolls